Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Lord of the Grades

This is a mail I sent to my class (Section C IIML)... Dated 14-Dec-05
Hi all,This remix is for those who are fans of "The Lord of the Rings"...Here are the first 2 scenes of "The Fellowship of the Grades"...
Scene 1: The Forging of the Grades
It began with the forging of the great grades.
10 A were given to the Elves:Immortal, wisest and most Maggu of all beings.
20 B to the dwarf lords:Great hardworking and attentive of the classroom lectures.
20 C to the Hobbits:the most cool of all the races.
And nine, nine D were gifted to the race of men who,above all else, desire passing marks.
For within these rings was bound the strengthand the will to get promoted to the next term.
But they were, all of them, DECEIVED;for Another GRADE was made.In the land of Exams, in the fires of Mount CR-203,the Dark Lord YearBack forged, in secret, a master grade "F".
And into this grade he poured his cruelty, his maliceand his will to dominate all students.
One grade to rule them all.
One by one, the chances for passing of Middle-earth fellto the power of the YearBack.------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scene 2: The Last Alliance
But there were some who resisted.
A Last Alliance of Men, Elves, Dwarfs and Hobbitsmarched against the armies of Exams.And on the slopes of Mount CR-203 they foughtfor the freedom of Middle-earth (Section C).
Victory was near....
But the power of the "F" could not be undone.
It was in this moment, when all hope had faded, that Shaggilees , took up his father's sword.....
YearBack, the enemy of the free peoples of Section C, was defeated.
But the hearts of men are easily corrupted,And the ring of grade F has a will of its own.It betrayed Shaggillees to his own fakka.And some things that should not have been forgotten, were lost.
History became legend, legend became myth,and for two-and-a-half thousand years,the "grade F" passed out of all knowledge.
Until, when chance came, year 2005-06, Term 2... it ensnared a new bearer...


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